

IF Architecture believes in the power of architecture and interior design to improve your every day. In homes that are beautiful, nurturing and highly functional. In restaurants, bars and cafes that create delightful experiences for customers, and support efficiency and profitability for business owners. In shops that give authentic physical expression to brands while enhancing retail performance. And in workplaces that energise employees, foster creativity and maximise productivity.

Our practice is built on authentic, open, warm relationships with likeminded clients, suppliers and collaborators. We begin every project by listening to your objectives. These are paramount. But we’re not afraid to challenge thinking to get the best outcome for you. We work to achieve your goals through a process of conversation, investigation, creative exploration and architectural rigour.

We’re always thoughtful about context, telling stories through architecture and interior design that resonate with place, history, community and character. Our work is a reflection of the broader landscape, and in turn seeks to enhance it.

This includes a clear commitment to sustainability. On a fundamental level, we believe that good design is enduring and therefore inherently sustainable. But we extend on this, with careful and deliberate selection of materials, recycling and reuse of existing materials and fittings, and design strategies that minimise the impact of our buildings on the environment.


Iva Foschia

Iva found­ed IF Archi­tec­ture in 2010 and is the prac­tice prin­ci­pal and lead archi­tect. She brings a nat­u­ral­ly col­lab­o­ra­tive approach to design, believ­ing that open engage­ment with clients inevitably leads to a more com­pre­hen­sive and inte­grat­ed real­i­sa­tion of their objec­tives. Iva says, While the stu­dio has cre­at­ed a wide body of work, I still feel a sense of curios­i­ty, won­der and excite­ment for the design process, because it always begins and ends in a new place.”

Ken Snell

Ken is an archi­tect and project lead, work­ing on all aspects of design, from con­cept to doc­u­men­ta­tion, project coor­di­na­tion and project admin­is­tra­tion. He’s curi­ous, obser­vant and solu­tions dri­ven. Ken says, Under­stand­ing is key! Approach­ing each project with a mind open to the ambi­tions and nuances of the client, site, brand iden­ti­ty, bud­get, time­line, and then weav­ing a rich tapes­try from all these under­stand­ings, is key to mak­ing engag­ing architecture.”

Tamara Glick

Tama­ra is an archi­tect and project lead, over­see­ing projects from con­cep­tion to com­ple­tion. She’s imag­i­na­tive and pos­i­tive, and always approach­es design­ing with an open mind, aim­ing to achieve the best out­come for every project. Tama­ra says, The main rea­son I became an archi­tect is the oppor­tu­ni­ty to change the qual­i­ties of a space to facil­i­tate inter­ac­tions and con­ver­sa­tions that oth­er­wise may not have occurred. And also, a gen­er­al love for beau­ti­ful things!”




  • Podcast: Office Talk—Iva Foschia Iva Foschia is the director of IF Architecture, a 4-person architecture and interiors studio.
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  • Podcast: Parlour Alex Lawlor & Iva Foschia Don’t miss this intimate, frank and funny conversation between good friends Alex Lawlor and Iva Foschia from the 2019 Melbourne Winter Salon.
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  • Homegrown: Interview with Iva Foschia Iva Foschia, Founder and principal of IF Architecture, chats with us about her practice and design style.
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  • How I Melbourne: Iva Foschia Melbourne Food and Wine
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  • Yellowtrace: Iva Foschia of IF Architecture Today Iva shares with us many words of wisdom, both professional and personal.
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  • Design Nation: Coffee with IF Architecture's Iva Foschia We recently caught up with our friend and partner Iva from IF Architecture to hear about what inspires her, what she loves and her words of wisdom.
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  • More Space: Iva Foschia For Eternally Yours, More Space catches up with Iva to discuss the sensory impact of colour and texture, her go-to design pieces, and the studio's recently completed transformation of a former church into an 'elevated and luxurious' residence.
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  • ArchitectureAU: The women leaders of our generation This year marks 110 years since the International Women’s Day was first commemorated and legions of women have become inspiration to, and influenced, generations of women architects and the built environment professionals.
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