
Auterra Wine Bar invites guests to explore the subtlety and complexities of wine through colour, texture and theme. Familiar, but new, it is a sensory pleasure, an escape.

Auter­ra — mean­ing of the earth — is cel­e­bra­tion of wine. A sib­ling to Clin­ton McIver’s fine din­ing expe­ri­ence Amaru, the wine bar forges its own path. A place that exudes time­less authen­tic­i­ty and char­ac­ter. It was impor­tant that the space felt estab­lished and warm, a wel­com­ing neigh­bour­hood local.

Armadale, Boon­wur­rung Land



Floor Area


Inspired by the var­ied nat­ur­al pig­ment of wine, the space unfolds with a com­plex lay­er­ing of colour and tex­ture. Begin­ning with deep reds and bur­gundy, blend­ing into blush­ing pinks and oranges, and final­ly tran­si­tion­ing to sparkling yel­lows in the pri­vate din­ing space upstairs. 

Abun­dant, yet sophis­ti­cat­ed, the mate­r­i­al palette includes Aus­tralian hard­woods, cop­per and brass, mate­ri­als will pati­nate over time, adding char­ac­ter and per­son­al­i­ty. The space is com­plex, bold, invit­ing, and excit­ing – it draws din­ers in and deliv­ers a sat­is­fy­ing and stim­u­lat­ing expe­ri­ence cen­tered around the enjoy­ment of fine wine. The vibrant and fresh char­ac­ter is mar­ried with a feel­ing that it has always been here, that it belongs here.

Auter­ra is com­plex and bold – a place that draws din­ers into the space and deliv­ers a sat­is­fy­ing and stim­u­lat­ing expe­ri­ence cen­tered around the enjoy­ment of fine wine.

Expressed as a visu­al gra­di­ent, the mate­r­i­al palette, light­ing, fur­ni­ture selec­tion, and spa­tial sequenc­ing all con­tribute to the sto­ry­telling. The over­all impres­sion is of an ani­mat­ed space, a homage to wine that is famil­iar, com­fort­ing, and welcoming.