Egon Zehnder

Egon Zehnder is a global executive search firm driven by research, rigour and practical experience. IF Architecture’s outcome for Egon Zehnder Melbourne delivers a design typology founding Egon Zehnder’s brand personality in built form.

Mas­ter plan­ning, archi­tec­tur­al design, inte­ri­or design and styling have cul­mi­nat­ed to cre­ate a qui­et­ly sophis­ti­cat­ed space that ser­vices the unique demands of Egon Zehn­der. Devel­oped for world­wide appli­ca­tion, this design typol­o­gy is sen­si­tive to cul­tur­al vari­a­tions, build­ing types and oper­a­tional requirements.

Mel­bourne, Wurund­jeri Land

Floor Area


Use of a warm tim­ber veneer expos­ing rich growth rings rep­re­sents Egon Zehnder’s growth and devel­op­ment, span­ning over decades and across mul­ti­ple con­ti­nents. Applied in the lob­by through a series of arch­es rep­re­sent­ing branch­es, the cir­cu­lar nature of the design express­es an arc con­nect­ing past and future growth.

A whim­si­cal fusion of old and new con­texts trans­lates through tra­di­tion­al mould­ed tim­ber pan­els as a rich back­drop for con­tem­po­rary design features.

The floor plan invites a sense of dis­cre­tion for can­di­dates and exec­u­tives. Staff offices also allow an over­lap of pri­vate and pub­lic inter­ac­tion, with break­out spaces show­cas­ing sweep­ing views across the Yarra Riv­er and Dan­de­nong Ranges. Aus­tralian-made prod­ucts fur­nish the inte­ri­ors, along­side upcy­cled Eero Saari­nen fur­ni­ture cir­ca 1960

Trust, con­fi­den­tial­i­ty and respect are at the heart of archi­tec­tur­al con­sid­er­a­tions; for­mal and infor­mal set­tings, pub­lic and pri­vate spaces embrace the diverse require­ments of clients and staff alike.