Jardan, Melbourne

Jardan is design-driven, handcrafted and family-focussed. A quintessentially Australian brand. Our vision for their new flagship store in Church Street, Richmond aimed to capture this essence.

From the street, the build­ing (a for­mer call cen­tre) is now bold, sim­ple and well-brand­ed. To add a touch of grandeur, the exte­ri­or fea­tures a pol­ished brass wrap-around with embossed Jar­dan insignia.

The ground floor and upper lev­el dis­play areas are wel­com­ing and engag­ing. Down­stairs more casu­al and earthy, while upstairs presents a more pol­ished impres­sion with spaces divid­ed into open room set­tings for the vis­i­tor to explore.

Rich­mond, Wurund­jeri Land

Floor Area


Styl­ish and con­tem­po­rary, yet a space that feels more like a home than a store.

A sky-lit court­yard with flour­ish­ing trees and plants, plus a work­ing kitchen with an espres­so machine, com­plete the home­like environment. 

Every dec­o­ra­tor item in the store is indi­vid­u­al­ly select­ed: from paint­ings, sculp­ture and art­work; to the eclec­tic col­lec­tion of dec­o­ra­tive pieces; to the real books on the book­shelves; to the trees and plants that bring a fresh nat­ur­al feel to the space.

In con­trast with most stores, here the vis­i­tor is encour­aged to take their time, wan­der and explore, to live’ in the space.

Over­all, Jardan’s new flag­ship offers a more nat­u­ral­is­tic and inti­mate vision for a retail space: one that is less like a store, more like a home.